Category Archives: North Carolina Methadone Clinics

Heroin Addiction in Charlotte, North Carolina

As has been widely documented in recent news media, heroin addiction is on the rise in the United States and does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon. From densely populated metropolitan cities to rural America, opiates are finding their way into schools, places of employment, and the upper socio-economic strata.

A well-written piece is just out in Charlotte Magazine profiling an intelligent 21 year old man by the name of Alex Uhler who succumbed to the pull of heroin, and sadly died of a fatal overdose. His story clearly illustrates a number of complex issues around addictive disease: the shame associated with being addicted, the extent some will go to conceal their addiction, and that it is an illness which impacts all people regardless of race, money, intelligence, or status.

The article addresses the increased presence of heroin in Charlotte, NC partly in response to the crackdown on, and scarcity of, prescription opioids. The extensive piece, by Lisa Rab, speaks to the emergence of opioids in professional work settings and schools, and touches on the frequency of co-occurring disorders alongside the addiction such as clinical depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder.

Naloxone is also highlighted in the article sidebar as it has gained notable acceptance as the leading antidote for opioid overdose, and has been already documented to have saved hundreds of lives just in recent years. Naloxone can be administered by any bystander to an overdose victim. There are injectable and intranasal versions of the medication available at this time.

A local law enforcement official was quoted as saying that Charlotte’s drug problem cannot be eradicated by merely arresting drug dealers because there is always another up-and-coming dealer waiting on the sideline to take that vacant spot. The official said that society must stem the demand for drugs. Only then can we make our communities safer.

Medication-assisted treatment should most definitely continue to be funded and promoted as our society endeavors to save people from chronic opioid addiction. Many individuals have needlessly died when their lives and safety could have been restored through enrollment in an opioid treatment program. Methadone, buprenorphine (suboxone), naloxone and naltrexone are highly beneficial medications and act as a critical bridge in the addiction recovery process.

While Charlotte has a number of methadone clinics and buprenorphine-approved physicians, funding for opioid treatment remains a substantial obstacle for a number of people. Methadone is the most affordable option although various formulations of buprenorphine (suboxone) are becoming more cost-effective.

For more on opioid addiction, see Opioid Addiction in the United States

Methadone Program Profile – Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS)

ads-methadone-treatment2There are many hundreds of methadone clinics in operation across the entire United States. Wherever there is addiction, there are suffering addicts and concerned friends and family in search of answers … and treatment.

Methadone.US would like to profile a highly regarded opioid treatment program located in Greensboro, North Carolina. This program is part of a non-profit substance abuse services agency known as Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS).

ADS has been helping the Guilford County and surrounding Triad community for over 40 years. While ADS offers a range of addiction treatment and drug prevention programs, they excel in the area of treating opioid addiction through a combined use of opioid replacement medication (methadone) and structured counseling.

ADS has achieved CARF accreditation, is licensed by the State of North Carolina’s Division of Health and Human Services, and is an approved Medicaid and multi-MCO authorized provider. But ADS’ most outstanding accomplishment is the depth and quality of their opioid program services and the professionalism of their compassionate & committed staff.

Methadone medication offers safe & effective relief from opioid withdrawal symptoms when properly administered through a quality, structured program. Unfortunately, some methadone clinics are too lite on their counseling and case support components, which are key ingredients in any comprehensive opioid treatment program.

ADS has a longstanding history of helping clients gain a thorough knowledge of their addictive illness and in helping clients to develop valuable coping skills for managing their lives and achieving personal goals. ADS treats indigent and low income patients who might otherwise be unable to pay for methadone services out-of-pocket. The ADS Methadone Program offers psychiatric services, limited medical services, free HIV testing, and substantial case support assistance to help with major issues like housing placement.

Alcohol and Drug Services’ methadone program in Greensboro, NC is comparatively small in relation to some of the local private, for-profit methadone clinics. ADS typically serve between 180-200 active clients.

The organization recently launched a new website to inform the community of their various programs. The website is: The agency gratefully accepts charitable donations of any amount through their website.

Visit the ADS Blog and the ADS Google + Page