Phoenix provides a lengthy list of doctors who can prescribe suboxone to those patients suffering with opioid withdrawal. Addiction to opiates results in a constellation of uncomfortable withdrawal effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, body ache, etc) which induce chronic stress and can lead to depression and diminished ability to meet one’s daily responsibilities. Buprenorphine is the therapeutic additive in Suboxone that reduces opioid withdrawal symptoms. Suboxone has emerged as a popular and effective opioid replacement medication that restores a person’s functioning following a period of decline in active opioid addiction. Only approved physicians are legally able to write prescriptions for buprenorphine/suboxone. If you are a local physician aiming to treat Phoenix area residents, you may purchase a featured listing at the top of this page insuring that your medical services will be found by prospective patients searching our website for quality opioid treatment.
Helping Skeptics Understand Methadone
Sadly, addiction leads people to behave in ways that make no sense to their family, friends, and co-workers. Therein lies an important part of the problem. Family feel confused, angry, and fearful as their loved one tumbles down the hill of active addiction. When it comes to something as perplexing as drug addiction, grasping for answers is an understandable reflex for family and friends. What family often don’t comprehend is the power of physical dependency to opioids and the severe sickness that results from opioid withdrawal. Family and others incorrectly assume that mere “choice” is all that’s needed to overcome the addiction. When the addict fails to remain drug free, harsh judgment by others usually follows. Halting withdrawal sickness is a paramount step for an opioid addicted person. This cannot be overstated. As long as a person is suffering from severe opioid withdrawal, their ability to think and “choose” logically is greatly impaired. Statistically, individuals who utilize medication-assisted treatment (like methadone) are far more likely to avoid incarceration, a continued downward spiral, or death by overdose. Medication assistance successfully removes debilitating withdrawal sickness so that the addicted person can experience greater clarity of thought and the ability to make more sound decisions that lead to improved quality of life. If you are a skeptic about methadone or suboxone, you may think “they’re just trading one drug for another”. This is not true. People, once therapeutically stabilized on methadone or suboxone, do not get high from the medication. Health generally improves, and the person is able to function much better on the job and at home. This brings hope. It offers a new opportunity for further recovery. When you care about a person’s survival, one more chance to help them can be quite valuable. Don’t let judgment or excessive skepticism get in the way. Medication-assistance in opioid recovery is effective for many people, and it has been the life saving next step that some never got the chance to take.
Posted in Methadone, Methadone Benefits, Methadone Clinics, Recovery, Suboxone
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Methadone Treatment in Oregon
This article, in the Hillsboro News-Times, features the recent approval by Washington County commissioners to add a new methadone clinic in Hillsboro, Oregon. Acadia Healthcare is aiming to establish the new methadone clinic in Hillsboro in order to better serve the local community. Acadia already operate a mobile unit in the general area as well as a comprehensive treatment center (CTC) in nearby Tigard located about 20 miles away. The commissioners voted 5-0 to approve the proposed site which will be on the local bus route thereby providing improved access. The article mentions that Oregon presently has 17 operational methadone clinics serving the state, where fentanyl, opiates, and other substances are causing a grave overdose crisis. Having local opioid treatment available is a critically important step in saving lives and providing hope to patients and families. Methadone has been proven to decrease opioid use, reduce relapse risks & overdose deaths, as well as increase employment and overall health. Clinics offering medication-assisted treatment (MAT), like methadone and buprenorphine, are forging a new path to safety for those people once stuck in active addiction.
Posted in Acadia Healthcare, Addiction Treatment, Buprenorphine, Methadone, Methadone Clinics, Oregon Methadone Clinics, Suboxone
Tagged Acadia, methadone treatment, Oregon
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