Often times, new methadone treatment clients experience a renewed sense of hope and vigor. The prospect of no longer feeling sick, or having to spend hours looking for opiates, brings incredible relief. Most clients familiarize themselves with the requirements of treatment and then follow the program as is prescribed. And particularly so if their home clinic is professional, organized, and takes an active role in interacting with their clients on a regular basis.
However, human nature tends to look for the path of least resistance, “the easy way”. This sometimes results in a client beginning to skip individual or group counseling sessions. Or in other cases, procrastinating on completion of their Medicaid renewal forms which results in the sudden termination of Medicaid payments for their methadone treatment. For some clients, old bad habits are hard to break, and they can ease back into complacency & put off important things once the crisis which brought them into treatment has been alleviated.
It is important that treatment clients identify daily priorities, live in accordance with a schedule, and develop the necessary discipline to follow through on important matters. Addiction is a cunning and baffling disease that undermines progress in both subtle and mysterious ways. Every client in recovery (and in methadone treatment) must make a firm personal commitment to put their recovery needs first. This mindset (and the accompanying healthy choices which are made on a daily basis) are essential to long term success.
Admission to an opioid treatment program is an excellent first step, a life saving decision for so many. When clients pursue real growth and try to re-engage with life, then real living can begin. Not being “dope sick” is valuable in itself, but investing in the recovery process and accepting the challenge to change leads to great discoveries, and a much better quality of life. Don’t just stand idle on the sideline. Step onto the field. Life is waiting!